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[LE] MergeTool Missing Spells During a Merge Found With TESVEdit

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((My apologies for posting in the wrong forum, I had a thread going for something else here and should have this in the technical support area not modding. If a mod could move this thread to a more appropriate section I would much appreciate it unless it should be here, I don't know.))


First, a simple question. Does Skyrim automatically merge the contents of containers, not that that would help in this situation as the other non merged files would be disabled after I confirm everything is the way it should be, but it'd be nice to know for future reference?

I've been doing my own little tweaks for years but nothing really big. I know how to use the creation kit and have used it and TesEdit back in the Oblivion days but haven't used merged plugins that much until now. I noticed the MergeTool seems to miss certain things like containers and leveled list additions. I have a merged patch that I am adjusting by hand and compared the merge of Mihail's mods I did with the original Mihail mods and a bunch of containers in my merge from the MergeTool lack the spellbooks that are placed in them in the original mods. Is this a bug and should I be reporting it or did I miss something? See the screenshot below:


((Ignore the fact that MergedJune is missing them, that is stuff I am adjusting by hand, the problem is that there are no giraffe or cheetah spells in the MihailMerge even if they were listed under a different formid the name should still be there, I think, but it isn't))


Also, apparently Mihail missed a 'k' on the 'SpellBooblackpanther' :tongue:



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No, Skyrim does not automatically merge containers. They fall under the rule of Only the Last Loaded Record Counts.


I assume you're using Merge Plugins to create your MihailMerge.esp? If so, it looks like it is working as it should - it just doesn't handle combining containers as you're expecting. It also uses the Only the Last Loaded Record Counts rule.


To properly merge container records, you need to use either a Bashed Patch created by Wyre Bash or a Smash Patch created by Mator Smash (I recommend Mator Smash, it's a bit easier to use). Those utilities will create a new esp containing combined records that should copy over all the additions added by each mod to each container (though double check it afterward just to be sure). You can then include the created patch as the last .esp in your merge to have all the container changes from the individual esps included in the final merged file.


Also, all of this applies to leveled lists as well - they work in the same way as containers, as far merging is concerned.

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Thanks, I was unsure about that but I suspected it might be the case. If I do want to merge these mods and merge the leveled lists and containers how would I go about doing that? Would I have to do it by hand in the CK or is there a more practical option?

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That's what Wyre Bash and/or Mator Smash are for - they are the more practical option, especially when merging a large number of mods. They can combine those lists for you with minimal work. Use those to create a new .esp that holds the combined containers & leveled lists from the mods you want to merge, then include that as the file .esp in your merge.

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