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Hircine's Eternal Hunting Grounds


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I would love to see a replayable area devoted to the daedric lord Hircine. My concept:




Hircine's shrine would allow you to visit his Eternal Hunting Grounds. The other possibility is to also add a ghostly (lore-friendly) Nordic Wild Hunt to Skyrim's outdoor wilderness, wherein a pack of horseback hunters (perhaps with hounds) descends from the sky very rarely. Maybe interacting with them would give the player a quest which, upon completion, would allow future entrance to the Hunting Grounds.




* The Hunting Grounds would be a large area, consisting of fields, a stream, some rocky terrain, a very dark/thick forest and a lighter, more "magical" one with violet or lavender lighting.


* The Hunting Grounds would have a perpetual "hunt" ongoing. Upon teleporting in, you would be transformed randomly into one of the creatures, or (small chance) left as your own self.


* Creatures list:

- Wolf packs

- Bears

- Saber Cats

- Foxes

- Rabbits

- Deer, Elk, Stags

- Hunters (& potentially a RARE full group of hunters on horseback with hounds)

- Rarely, Werewolves


* The creatures would behave like actual wild animals, via faction AI or whatever. The Hunting Grounds would not be clogged and busy, but rather the animals would be spread out more naturally. Predators would be rarer than prey. Wolf packs would hunt deer, rabbits & foxes; Foxes would hunt rabbits; Bears, Hunters and Sabers would hunt everything, and fight one another.


http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=10175#content <--- This mod adds realistic predator/animal AI and could be utilized, or the mod's author could be asked for help/consent, potentially.


* When the player is tranformed into a random creature, or left alone, they can participate in the Hunt. When they die or activate the "leave" portal, they are teleported back out & into their body.




Taking part for fun should be its own reward, but there are also many other possibilities.


You could potentially make the mod so that you start off with access to Rabbit form during the hunt, and that lengthy survival unlocks Fox, Stag/Deer, Wolf etc forms for later use as rewards (your choice on what to use for each hunt).


It's also possible that hunting-oriented rewards could be given on the basis of your length of survival or, as a predator, your # of kills or kill score (based on WHAT you've killed). These rewards could range from +archery gear to "call spectral hunting hound" spell to even a spell that calls an entire spectral Wild Hunt to your aid briefly (while in Skyrim, not the Hunting Grounds).


Another possible reward could be a buff from Hircine after playing which gives bonuses to +archery and perhaps a detect life effect on toggle, or night's eye, or both.


Lastly, if you get left as your own character while entering (a "hunter," a small % chance of "no polymorph), you can loot items from your prey & keep them, potentially with special loot rewards.




At its simplest, this is simply an area that has a random "polymorph" on you for the duration, where death merely ports you out & where "factions" of animals are present & interacting/respawning. At its most complex, this could be an area with a quest, random rare Wild Hunt in Skyrim, and rank-based species access within the Hunt with gear & spell rewards. Either way, I think it could be something fun to do when bored, sort of a single-player lore-friendly FPS game now & then.


Thanks for reading!

Edited by Feralkyn
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I had thought of something similar. My idea for the quest line:

You are lured into Hircines Hunting Grounds by a quest with the prospect of treasure. Once you get there however, you find you've been turned into a fox and are told that you were lured there to be the target of the next hunt (hunting mortals is kind of his thing). The quest line would have you evading the hunters long enough to find help for yourself in the form of other escaped, transfigured mortals. These would show you how to turn into more powerful animals and let you fight back against the hunters and eventually confront Hircine...you would inevitably lose the battle (Daedric prince demi-god with his own plane of reality?) but he would reward you for being excellent prey by not killing you and giving you an artifact.

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I believe once you

cure Kodlak of Lycanthrophy, he mentions going to the Hunting Grounds and releasing all the other Companions

. It would be cool if it followed off that.


That would work too--I hadn't even thought of tying it in there! :)

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