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I would love to see an add-on to West Tek Night Vision Goggles, or another NVG mod that adds batteries with Drain.


I have thought about this but my own skills are very limited. I thought perhaps an ingestible that gives the Nightvision effect spell for a Duration with the Condition that the Goggles are equipped and toggled on.


But, to my knowledge, the time limit on the spell wouldn't stop if goggles were removed/toggled off.


If removed, the spell would stop, but I want the spell to act like a battery and remember the remaining Duration the next time the goggles are equipped or toggled on.


Perhaps that way is not possible, but I know there are some very talented Modders out there.


Another Idea I had would be to use a Fusion core, renamed and copied as new record. Attach whatever keywords are needed to the goggles to trick the game into thinking its power armor and instead of the speed alteration you get with a full/empty core, change it to night vision on, off.


The Fusion core seems to already have that framework in place, as far as acting like a battery and remembering how much charge it has left in it when equipped/unequipped. But this is beyond my knowledge.


With True Nights or Darker Nights and making the batteries a very rare LL drop, I think it would add a huge element of immersion.


I did try a mod that was supposed to attract enemies much easier if you use you pipboy light, which would be a good fit for something like this, but it didn't seem to work as intended.

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