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Memorable Odahviing Moments


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You're in a heated battle with a pair of giants. Your health is down by half, you're out of healing potions, and they just keep coming at you. Suddenly, you notice that the giants' small mammoth herd is not too pleased with you attacking their masters, no matter how much Proventus Avenicci is paying you. You're in trouble.




Within seconds, the ruby dragon is at your side, diving down like an eagle and raining hellfire on the giants.




With a thunderous roar, Odahviing turns mid-air on a septim, swooping down once again to seize a mammoth in his claws. He succeeds in grasping the thick hide of the giant creature and, using the force of his momentum, rolls the unfortunate animal like a bowling ball. Landing with a ground-shaking force, the dragon opens his maw and transforms the disoriented animal into a nice slab of smoking mammoth steak.


Oh yeah! That's my dragon, baby! :D


And yes, that really happened in my game. :P What are your best moments with ol' Odie?

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That is so cool!...I'm going to have to make sure I do use Odahviing....I always weaken my more powerful opponents first with Archery and stealth it if there's a crowd to be dealt with, so have never had the need to call Odahviing....But will find some reasons now and call him myself.
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Called old Odah only to fight other dragons. I thnk you're familiar with the situation when some dragon is circling above your head, roaring fiercely, but not attacking! That's when I call my old ruby friend.


Most memorable was his fight vs. two dragons. First one was circling above as usual, second one joined the fight a little later. Old good Odah got them both, of course. Witha little aid from my side. And the battle was... beautiful!

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I had the Mighty Dragons mod installed and I was facing five dragons at once (can't remember their names) so I summoned Odahviing desperately for help. He flew into the air, soon caught up in the battle. I had a couple of near-death situations during the battle, and Odahviing was killing the dragons for me. I helped him and finally the dragons landed, allowing me to take them down. It was pretty cool.
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My calling upon Ohdahviing has been limited to a few occasions so far:

  • Once in the civil war to make quick work of a fort held by the Stormcloaks, that quest ended very quickly my character's favour.
  • Once as a dragon was causing trouble outside of Solitude. It is just about impossible to chase a dragon on foot from Solitude's gate, down to the docks below Solitude, back up to Katla's farm, back again to the docks and so on, without risking citizens being killed before you get there. Odahviing engaged into an aerial battle and kept the dragon occupied so that guards, my follower and my character could barrage it with arrows.
  • Once when a dragon was attacking people around the honeybrew meadery and the Battle-Born farm. I was too far away and Odahviing was there faster than me.


In my experience, Odahviing is most useful when you need a distraction, massive crowd control or someone who can contain damage when you are still too far away.

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