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CTD on Wait and Fast Travel Only


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Now normally I wouldn't be bothered by this, except I want to clear up the game world since stuff got a bit whacky (flying carts, flying people, invisible people {from a mod only, I got an update for it which might have affected them}) and I decided to wait for awhile before going back out again. Right after I waited the game crashed to desktop, of course no errors (do error crashes even happen with skyrim?).


Also fast travels usually cause me to crash, this isn't a big deal, just really annoying to have to travel the whole way by foot. Any suggestions on how to fix the Wait CTD? I could deal with no fast travel, but not being able to clear up the world is a major issue especially since I use mods. Do not suggest the sound fix (already have it set to the correct sound settings it sometimes has to be on) or turning off/deleting mods (it still happens without mods).

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