Valkyrie166 Posted July 10, 2018 Share Posted July 10, 2018 Hey, Recently i have downloaded EFF, resulting in CTD happening at a much higher rate, around every 10 minutes, and occurring really bad in riften. I have used LOOT to order my mods. and i have used TESEDIT5 to clean the main files, DLCS, and make a bashed patch; i think i have done it correctly. i have autosaves disabled, and am running on medium quality, not sure if relevant. my load order is below ThanksValk 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 HearthFires.esm 4 4 Dragonborn.esm 5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp 6 6 ApachiiHair.esm 7 7 SGHairPackBase.esm 8 8 SexLab.esm 9 9 ZaZAnimationPack.esm 10 a Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm 11 b EFFCore.esm 12 c SkyUI.esp 13 d RaceMenu.esp 14 e RaceMenuPlugin.esp 15 f Eyes of Aber.esp 16 10 SGHairPackAIO.esp 17 11 KJ Tattoos 2K.esp 18 12 TheCoenaculiCBBE.esp 19 13 12FemaleBrows.esp 20 14 Perk Points at Skill Levels 50-75-100.esp 21 15 IcePenguinWorldMap.esp 22 16 Remodeled Armor - Underwear.esp 23 17 Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dawnguard.esp 24 18 Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer - Dragonborn.esp 25 19 MoonlightTalesMCM.esp 26 1a InigoPerkPointGiver.esp 27 1b Battle Vixen Loadscreens.esp 28 1c FNISSexyMove.esp 29 1d Moonlight Tales Special Edition.esp 30 1e SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp 31 1f FNIS.esp 32 20 VioLens.esp 33 21 dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp 34 22 LegacyoftheDragonborn.esp 35 23 Castle Volkihar Rebuilt.esp 36 24 ESFCompanions.esp 37 25 Immersive Weapons.esp 38 26 Remodeled Armor - Vanilla Replacer.esp 39 27 Schlongs of Skyrim.esp 40 28 Fort(ified) Dawnguard.esp 41 29 Skyrim Unbound.esp 42 2a SMIM-Merged-All.esp 43 2b dawnguard sentries.esp 44 2c FNISspells.esp 45 2d Bijin Warmaidens.esp 46 2e Serana Dialogue Edit.esp 47 2f Seductress Serana.esp 48 30 Better Vampires.esp 49 31 Tainted_Blood.esp AllFemaleGuards.esp 50 32 DBM_IW_Patch.esp 51 33 TemptressVixen.esp 52 34 Vampirelordroyal.esp 53 35 ESFAela.esp 54 36 Dawnguard&VolkiharArtifactsQuests.esp 55 37 MF_RadiantProstitution.esp noguardhelmets.esp 56 38 Skyrim Ladies - Aela.esp 57 39 AelaStandalone.esp 58 3a Shaydows VampireLord Replacer OVERHAUL.esp 59 3b Shaydows WereWolf Replacer OVERHAUL.esp BVandRoyalBloodline_Patch.esp 60 3c LustmordVampireArmor.esp 61 3d Daedric Reaper Armor.esp 62 3e Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp 63 3f SOSRaceMenu.esp 64 40 XPMSE.esp 65 41 Dual Sheath Redux.esp DBM_ESFCompanions_Patch.esp 66 42 EFFDialogue.esp 67 43 UIExtensions.esp 68 44 Bashed Patch, 0.esp 69 45 Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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