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New Vegas: Challenge Lanius to a game of Caravan


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Yes, this is stupid. No, I don't care.




I want to be able to play New Vegas and, instead of using speech or barter checks on people, challenge them to games of Caravan in order to win them over (only one chance at the game). I want to be able to justify playing a character who wakes up at Doc Brown's house, sees that his inventory was gone, and immediately laments the loss of his rare Caravan deck, vowing to get back the cards he has lost. Besides, it's New Vegas. Making the fate of the Mojave rely on a card game just sounds appropriate. :D


At the very least, having a game of Caravan be maybe part of a speech check with Lanius would ensure that the endgame actually has a challenge of some sort, instead of "click the speech options, you win."


Is this dumb project possible?

Edited by SpeedofDarkness
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I think it's an interesting idea, the problem is I don't think we have a mechanism to see if the courier wins. The only caravan related function we have is showCaravanMenu. I'd bet a plugin could be developed, but with the existing tools we have I'm not sure how we could declare a victor. Maybe a caps tally before the mini game then a caps tally post game could determine the winner. I'm pretty sure caravan would could be hooked via a menumode. That at least should tell us when the game ends. Then fire off a caps tally.

Might be workable....maybe someone else has a more elegant approach?

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