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Character Alignment


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Was wondering if adding a character alignment mod to Skyrim would be possible. Much like Fallout 3 had, where your alignment would be good if you did good deeds, and evil if you did something bad such as murder, or stealing.

NPC's would treat you differently, if good you could get discounts from stores, or gifts from random strangers, or even a stipen from the Jarl. Or if you're evil, you would be followed more closely by guards, denied service, and lower prices on hiring some mercenaries to follow you.

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It is possible, from the little I know of papyrus scripting. I was looking at a similar concept for a mod I want to make. I think for this all you'd need to do would be to add a Faction Value, which could then be modified by certain script events upon quest completion/bounty changes/thefts and such. That said, it would be a serious undertaking, since every quest in the game would have to be assessed and have lines inserted adding the +1 or -1 modifiers (or larger integers depending on the severity of the action) to the alignment faction values for each potential quest ending both failed and succeeded.


As best I can tell, You'd create the faction,



then you'd have to modify the quests to adjust the faction's reaction reaction score:



Something like 1 = Evil 45 = Neutral 99 = Saint


Then the actual scripts would check that faction value to determine alignment changes and responses (if any).


The other problem is that many of the quests were not designed with that many moral options, the civil war for example is all rather morally gray, and the player gets railroaded into some situations, so its less obvious what values would be awarded if any. In some cases, a better spectrum of choices might need to be offered.


I'm slowly trying to learn the scripting language myself, but its not easy, the creation kit has a lot of information, but its scattered about through wiki pages.


TL:DR I think its possible, but you'd need to have a capable papyrus writer (or team of writers) to go through and both script the system and add in all the modifiers to the code for all the possible changes.


Love the idea though!

Edited by Draconicone
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