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Normals not showing up in game


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If you've made any custom models for skyrim that use normals, and you use 3ds max, you may be familiar with my plight. First, I'll say what I've done so far to, attempt to, fix my problem. I've set Num UV sets to 4097, and I've updated tangent space on the model (with the normal map actively applied in nifskope). I have shaders turmed on i my nifskope render settings, so I can see that the normal map is doing it's job (in nifskope, at least). When I load up Skyrim to test out the look of the model the normals are not functioning. The model looks the same as it does in my 3ds max viewport (i.e. no normals actively being applied). I've searched for a solution, but haven't found any new answers. The most confusing part being that the normals function just fine in nifskope, and that I've had problems with normals before and fixed them the same way I've tried in this instance (set num uv sets to 4097, and update tangent space). Any ideas from the more technically gifted forum goers?


low (top/1300triangles) high (bottom) poly comp of the model


Edited by ImsumDave
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go into the NiStriShape -> BSLightingShaderProperty -> BSShaderTextureSet

You will see 9 instances of textures under the block details when you press the BSShaderTextureSet

the diffusemap is located at the top and the normalmap is to be placed right underneath as second

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go into the NiStriShape -> BSLightingShaderProperty -> BSShaderTextureSet
You will see 9 instances of textures under the block details when you press the BSShaderTextureSet
the diffusemap is located at the top and the normalmap is to be placed right underneath as second

I know all that, like I said, "normal map actively applied in nifskope...I have shaders turmed on i my nifskope render settings, so I can see that the normal map is doing it's job (in nifskope, at least)". The difference between my model, with and without the normal map, is huge, so I know for certain that the normal map is correctly linked to my model in nifskope.


EDIT: For those with a similar issue: check that "BS num UV sets" of the NiTriShapeData block details is set to 4097. This is quite old topic, but I'm fairly sure that is how I fixed the issue.

Edited by ImsumDave
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