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CTD on (most) autosaves


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Here's the situation.


I've been playing a mage character for a while, but the game started to CTD quite frequently on fast traveling to certain zones (100% on High Hrothgar, less on Riften, etc). I haven't found any problems with the zones themselves, but it was REALLY bothersome to FT to Throat of the World and then run down to the monastery each time I went there for the main quest... so I started a new game.


I thought that since I didn't plan on touching any mods or anything at all, it might have the least chance of messing up my saves, but SURPRISE here, it crashes on almost every autosave the game makes (aka entering zone, sleeping, waiting, fast traveling and leaving menu (after being there a long time - also affects merchants and crafting stations).


Manual save works just fine. Hell, the game creates a WORKING autosave BEFORE it crashes, so I don't lose much, if any, progress, but it's annoying me to the point of wanting to destroy my computer since it happens literally on 80%+ autosaves.


I've read some articles about it and the most say it's the fact that normal saves pause game (and therefore most scripts), while autosaves leave the game running.


I've opened a normal save and an autosave to check for active scripts and this is it:


NORMAL save:





- I find it weird that it has one script twice and one that should've been gone at least 2 days (as I'm in Ratway Warrens and Folgunthur's been cleared long ago... unless the script runs until I finish the Gauldur Amulet), but whatever - it's been crashing since Helgen anyway, that was before I stepped foot into Fulgunthur.


AUTOSAVE (one of the ones immediately followed by CTD):



- which means nothing to me, except that XPMSE is probably not the cleanest mod.


Also, both normal save and autosave have no orphaned scripts.

Anyone got any insights?

Edited by peregrine111
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The first thing I do when starting a new game after creating new ini files is turn off auto saves; they are, and have been, notorious for getting corrupted. You should only have manual saves in your save folder when launching your game. This also applies to quick saves which should be deleted after exiting out of your game; unless you had a CTD and the quick save was your last save.


I do not know if this is your problem but corrupted saves sound like a real possibility. Unfortunately if this is the case there is no telling how far you will have to go back to get a clean save.


My advice would be to validate your master files and start a new game.

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