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[LE] Spell Cost Glitch...

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Anyone ever see some of your custom fire and forget spells display ingame that they require XXX magicka per second? It's not all of them, but a few have just starting doing that to me, and I'm not sure why.

I've verified in Creation Kit that the spells in question are indeed Fire and Forget spells as opposed to Concentration Spells, double checking the spell effects themselves, and also the spells in the CK. It's making me scratch my head a bit as there are currently 10 spells exhibiting this, which are just fire and forget spells. Otherwise my concentration spells are normal, and my other fire and forget spells are normal.


I tried to google it to no avail, but figured maybe some of you have encountered this glitch and know how to resolve it.


As always, any help is much appreciated. Thanks.

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