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Using a xbox 360 controller with oblivion

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Ok so ive been trying to get my wired 360 controller set up for oblivion for a few weeks now and most of the bugs are out but a few major points are missing.


When i first tried to use it, i tried the built-in support within oblivion, which as far as i can tell does NOT work. i get no recognition of my controller in oblivion. even when i change the .ini to "bUseJoystick=1", which makes it so i can customize the buttons (it recognizes it there) in the options but no where else can i get anything.


so i downloaded this program called xpadder which was very easy to set up and let me basically controll the mouse/keyboard with my controller, which seemed good enough at first (I was anxieous to play) but after several hours was proven inadiquate.


With my current config (which is as close to the xbox version as i could get) i cant use my mouse in a shop/container/body without the container closing on the first click(which includes my "A" button meaning i had to use my left bumper binded to enter specificly for shops/containers). to change pages (either iun the journal or in a shop or container to sell or store) i have to hold x (which i binded to shift+click to drop items) and hit left or right on the dpad which sucks because since its also my drop button i end up dropping thingsd when im trying to change pages.


also just recently when i installed (I think this is the name) darnified dark ui i cant use my control pad (which is just binded to up down left and right). i can use it but when scrolling through pages it acts like im hitting enter with every press, so if a menu come up when i try to scroll down it auto chooses the first option i move onto which isnt too big a problem with yes or no questions but when theres a list i have to drop the controller grab my mouse and manually click on it... ive tried hitting the arrows ont he keyboard itself with the same results. I dont know if this is a glitch with darnified dark ui or what but it sucks cuz dark ui is so awesome.



anyways what im getting at is does anyone know of a way to get the integrated support for controllers working properly? Ive tried .ini settings about a billion times in all varietys with no results so is there any other ways to set up a controller w/ oblivion (excluding a key binding program like xpadder or pennacle)?

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since you already have xpadder. download this

extract oblivion.rar

drag the xbox360 file to your xpadder folder

open the new .rar and drag the contents to your xpadder folder.

* Make sure your controller is ON and then start the Xpadder program

* Click on the gamepad icon and select Open

o Navigate to your Xpadder folder (\Program Files\Xpadder) and select Xbox360.xpaddercontroller

* Click on the gamepad icon again and select Settings

o Click on the Image Tab and select Open

o Navigate to your Xpadder folder (\Program Files\Xpadder) and select Microsoft_Xbox_360.bmp

o Click on the Finish Tab and click Close

* Click on the profile icon (the sheet of paper) and select All

o Navigate to your Xpadder folder (\Program Files\Xpadder) and selet Oblivion_[Xbox_360-DJ_Hazell].xpadderprofile


You can configure the controller further to your desires, but you are now finished and can play Oblivion!




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Great config file! Works very well. I did change a few things...


I made the left and right trigger also "shift+left or right" to change pages in stores and i also made the up and down on the control pad (the arrow keys) turbo to make scrolling pages easier. i still cant click in a continer or store without it closing... which sucks but i can deal with.



Thanks a ton

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  • 2 years later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi Troy,


That was an awesome guide and actually got my xpadder fully working.


My main issue now is, xpadder lets my controller work as mouse and keyboard on my desktop but when I run oblivion, having set it up to buse joystick 1 AND 0 and having disabled mouse attack in the game, oblivion does not detect the controller beyond being able to move with the left stick and all four shoulder buttons making the pad rumble. I cannot get it to work.


I can confirm i am using an official 360 controller and the default windows drivers for it.


Thanks for any help. :3


Also, sorry for the necro post guys, I just realised how dramatic the date differences are between last post and the one before.

Edited by Angelhearte
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Hi Troy,


That was an awesome guide and actually got my xpadder fully working.


My main issue now is, xpadder lets my controller work as mouse and keyboard on my desktop but when I run oblivion, having set it up to buse joystick 1 AND 0 and having disabled mouse attack in the game, oblivion does not detect the controller beyond being able to move with the left stick and all four shoulder buttons making the pad rumble. I cannot get it to work.


I can confirm i am using an official 360 controller and the default windows drivers for it.


Thanks for any help. :3


Also, sorry for the necro post guys, I just realised how dramatic the date differences are between last post and the one before.

You didn't necro I did by mistake.

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Hi Troy,


That was an awesome guide and actually got my xpadder fully working.


My main issue now is, xpadder lets my controller work as mouse and keyboard on my desktop but when I run oblivion, having set it up to buse joystick 1 AND 0 and having disabled mouse attack in the game, oblivion does not detect the controller beyond being able to move with the left stick and all four shoulder buttons making the pad rumble. I cannot get it to work.


I can confirm i am using an official 360 controller and the default windows drivers for it.


Thanks for any help. :3


Also, sorry for the necro post guys, I just realised how dramatic the date differences are between last post and the one before.

You didn't necro I did by mistake.

No worries Shotgun,


I notice that you actually have xpadder working, perhaps you know what I am doing wrong? My pad is doing exactly the same as it did before setting up xpadder. (left analogue only works). xpadder is configured corretly and when on my desktop works fine.


I don't understand why it won't work in the game.

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Hi Troy,


That was an awesome guide and actually got my xpadder fully working.


My main issue now is, xpadder lets my controller work as mouse and keyboard on my desktop but when I run oblivion, having set it up to buse joystick 1 AND 0 and having disabled mouse attack in the game, oblivion does not detect the controller beyond being able to move with the left stick and all four shoulder buttons making the pad rumble. I cannot get it to work.


I can confirm i am using an official 360 controller and the default windows drivers for it.


Thanks for any help. :3


Also, sorry for the necro post guys, I just realised how dramatic the date differences are between last post and the one before.

You didn't necro I did by mistake.

No worries Shotgun,


I notice that you actually have xpadder working, perhaps you know what I am doing wrong? My pad is doing exactly the same as it did before setting up xpadder. (left analogue only works). xpadder is configured corretly and when on my desktop works fine.


I don't understand why it won't work in the game.

So load up xpadder and click on the gamepad icon and select open.

Navigate to your Xpadder folder (\Program Files\Xpadder) and select Xbox360.xpaddercontroller and check what it looks like it and upload a picture of it because I can't show you one of mine. p.s I use WeGame which is made only for games so thats why I can't.

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