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Enchantment effects goes AWOL!


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My characters love enchanting items. It helps her "pull above her level" so to speak. So she has everything enchanted, rings, amulets, weapons, armor, what have you, even earrings and stockings (from mod). Mostly standard stuff like fortify stamina or one handed. But sometimes these enchantments are not registered by the game. When I checked the list of modifier currently in effect (in the Spell menu) some of the enchantment effects are not there. I think it's not just missing from the list too, because sometimes I suddenly found certain enemies take much more effort to kill than usual. So I think the list is accurate, if it's there it's in effect, if it isn't, then it's not in effect. Removing and reequipping said items fixed the problem. But I don't have to have to check the list every so often just to see if my enchantments are still working! What causes the game to "forget" certain effects, and how to avoid this?


Thank you in advance!

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I haven't trusted the "active effects" list since my last game where I'd equip, say, a fortify carry weight enchanted item and sometimes it wouldn't show up on the list. But it would indeed increase my carry weight. Same thing happened (sometimes) with fortify health and magicka enchanted items - wouldn't show in active effects, but would increase in the skills menu.


On the other hand, I think that sometimes when it's not on the list it really isn't there even when it should be. I got both "recovery" perks in restoration so Magicka should regenerate 50% faster, but they didn't show up in the list and I didn't notice any difference in magicka recovery (even spent a couple saved-up perks to get both at the same so I figured it would be noticeable). And my "beast blood" 100% disease resistance stopped showing up on the list which I thought must be a mistake since I never cured my lycanthropy or whatever it's called, but sure enough I'm now contracting diseases every so often. (Yet I still have the ability to transform into a werewolf.)


And I've ran into the same thing where sometimes you'll lose an enchantment from a piece of equipment, but get it back when you unequip/re-equip the item. (For fortify archery/ one handed, etc. I find the damage stats in the inventory list the best indication of whether its working) I haven't found an explanation/fix for that, though luckily that doesn't seem to happen that often for me.


Another thing I noticed is that, if you have 2 items with the same enchantment, the list will show just 1 of the items, but will double-count its effects. For example, I had boots and a necklace that were each dual-enchanted with fire & frost resistance. The boots were shown on the list twice for each of fire & frost resistance (ie 4 enchantments in total), but the necklace didn't show at all.


Anyways, blah blah blah. Just more skyrim bugginess for which I haven't found any answers. I'm keeping an eye on this thread in case anyone has some.

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