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Darnified DarkUI problem


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Ive been trying to get my 360 controller to work for the last few weeks and its been decent enough until yesterday when i installed dark UI



I love this mod, its great and very good looking, however, i have the up, down left and right arrows binded to my dpad. every time i hit one, it counts as if im hitting "activate" and the arrow im trying to use. So for instance when i use "command fire drake" from the akatosh mounts mod, a list pops up with a bunch of options, and when i hit "down" to scroll down it chooses the first option on the list automaticly. the same with any pop up such as "are you sure you want to save" ect. also during conversations if i hit the "up" arrow at all it exits the conversation.


even when i dont use the controller and just use the arrow keys the problem still exsists.


also when im in my inventory the arrows almost work right: i can scroll without it choosing everything every press. BUT the left and right arrows dont work. Inside the inventory the left and right arrows act exactly like up and down: left becomes up and right becomes down.


very annoying! But i love this mod so i really want it to work! Any suggestions?

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reinstalling darkui or oblivion?


I havent tried either though.



reinstalling the mod would just consist of coping the files back into my data folder and choosing to "overwrite all" right? or do i need to remove all files first and revert to normal?

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