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(Mod request) A public (lore-friendly) outdoor pool in Whiterun.


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Hi guys,


I was browsing and searching for extra structures etc. to add to Whiterun and this is what I came up with:

A public open pool in whiterun in the area behind breezehome (or other maybe better fitting locations that you can think of within Whiterun).

It must look like it's made by men and not by a modder. A tiki bar, parasols, chairs and a small waterfall or divingboard. It should fit in real nice. I understant that it's not lore-friendly to have a pool within Whiterun, but it should atleast blend in.


If you think you could make this fit in nice you should try to do so, I just ask that if you are a beginner in modding or are unexperienced in modding so far, that you should pass on this one as it might nog be very easy to make a swimmingpool within Whiterun. I would do this myself but I'm unexperienced yet.


If you are up for this challenge then please give me a notification in this thread and I (and probably other people too) will look forward to your creation.






Edited by DogchiefNL
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