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Platforms become invisible after doing optimization?


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Okay so I've been working on a dungeon for a little while and I just barely finished the optimization for the dungeon. In game testing went smoothly until i noticed one of my larger rooms was missing the bordering platforms. Through further investigation of this I found that the object is still there along with the collision features, but its invisible. I've tried a bunch of different thing to fix it, re-did the rooms optimization, tried deleting and replacing the existing platforms, tried moving them to see if they'd appear somewhere else in the room, etc. The platforms are present without the room marker optimization and in the creation kit, but for some reason in game they're invisible.

Anyone who knows how to fix this, your help would be greatly appreciated.

Also if there is a way to have that room un-optimized and still have the rest of the dungeon optimized without having the void where the optimization ends, that would also be fine.


I have a few screenshots but couldn't get them to work with the post because they're too big, so here a the links for them.....


http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/imageshare/image.php?id=87432 (in game screenshot)

http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/imageshare/image.php?id=87438 (creation kit screenshot)




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The only time I encountered large set pieces 'disappearing' for no reason in the CK and in game is when I've had the CK running for extended periods of time. (They still react physics wise as if they are there, just invisible) The next time I open the plugin in the CK/Game they're all there and looking/functioning normally. Also, there is a toggle (the '1' key) in the CK that will set objects to appear translucent or invisible...that is a simple solution but could that be the case?


As far as the room marker connection...could it be that your marker isn't encompassing the entire room? Perhaps if viewed from the side in the CK your marker isn't pulled down low enough vertically to completely cover the lower areas in the room. I did have that happen once and all my rugs and lower platforms appeared invisible in game because my marker wasn't covering them but you could still see them in the CK. These are rather basic potential solutions so I'm sorry if you've already checked for these but I thought I'd offer help on the off chance it's something easily fixable.

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Hey thanks you were right about the marker box not fully covering it. I have just bellow the rooms floor covered and all sides but the platforms themselves hung out of the marker a lot actually causing them to be effected by the backdrop making them invisible. Thanks a lot dude you really.



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