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need quest scripting help


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ok i am making a mod that is using a quest, but for some reason when i'm scripting it there seems to always be a problem. I want one where it triggers a quest stage when you walk into a cell X2, when you activate a scroll/book X2, and make a specific kill X3.

Any help? :thanks: in advance.


( the X# signs mean i'm using multiple of the same idea. the # indicates how many)

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I don't get it still. I'm sorry but scripting is confusing. I copied and pasted stuff from one script to another but replaced the cell name with a different one and it wouldn't save. it kept saying "mismatched if/else/end block" or something like that. and that mod makes it more confusing because it uses technical terms i don't know. thanks anyway.
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i got an idea. can someone make a sample script for me to base mine off of?



I want one where it triggers a quest stage when you walk into a cell X2



This script will need to be part of your quest script.

scriptname MyScript1

Begin Gamemode

player.GetInCell Chorrol
Setstage MyQuest 15



when you activate a scroll/book X2


This one should be on your book.

scriptname MyScript2

Begin OnActivate

Setstage MyQuest 15



and make a specific kill X3


This one, you want to check to see if your target is dead. Again, quest script.

scriptname MyScript3

Begin Gamemode

Target.Gethealth <= 0
setstage MyQuest 15


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Ok i know this isent my right to say but im making a mod and wat if the mission is to kill several pplz how do i make them show up? and then after i kill those people switch to another set of people after haveing a person attack you. And i need a script to get that person to attack you. I know im asking for a lot for a first mod that im planing to realese as a beta unless i make the quest which i need the scrits and to make my head ache more i still need to get primesion to use some of the mods that im using. :thanks: :pinch: im so stressed about this i didnt sleep till about 10 to 12 this morning plz the help we'll be welcome http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=68036 heres a link plz cheack out wat im planning and lend me some help


-Darkdragonfire5 [email protected]

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Then perhaps you might want to considder doing something less complicated until you have a better understanding of the elements involved. Many people make smaller mods just to test out scripts or ideas, if for no reason other than a chance to really learn something. I myself have done this several times, and learned alot about how alot of things are handled by the game. As a matter of fact, a number of hurdles I've had to cross within the mod project I'm doing right now have been crossed because of my work with some earlier unreleased mods and using very similar methods.


So really, don't be so quick to jump into some large, complicated project, no matter how much you may want to do it. Start off small, work on mods which touch on some similar part of the mod you want to do, and get that working. If it is enough to stand on it's own, you can still release it if you want, but you don't have to.


Don't get discouraged, take one small step at a time. If something isn't working how you want it to, try to find somewhere that what you're trying to do, in some form, was already done, Read and try to understand what is happening in the scripts within the game, it can provide alot of answers.


As for your specific questions, use of a counter variable can keep track of how many times something is done, In the case of the book...

scriptname MyScript2

short counter

Begin OnActivate
if counter != 2
set counter to counter + 1
elseif counter == 2
Setstage MyQuest 10
set counter to counter + 1


It's a little more complicated with a cell detection since you need to use a sort of switch to turn off that part of the counter after it has run once so that the script doesn't just count to 2 within the same visit.


scriptname MyScript1

short counter
short switch

Begin Gamemode
if getstage MyQuest == 10
if switch == 0
if counter != 2
if player.GetInCell Chorrol == 1
 set counter to counter +1
 set switch to 1
elseif counter == 2
if player.GetInCell Chorrol == 1
Setstage MyQuest 15
set switch to 2
elseif switch == 1
if player.GetInCell Chorrol == 0
set switch to 0


But keep in mind this particular use will trigger when the player has changed to any other cell. But you could rig the same sort of switch to several different things.


And you can add to that same script to track for those NPCs.


scriptname MyScript1

short counter
short switch
short killcount

Begin Gamemode
if getstage MyQuest == 10
if switch == 0
if counter != 2
if player.GetInCell Chorrol == 1
 set counter to counter +1
 set switch to 1
elseif counter == 2
if player.GetInCell Chorrol == 1
Setstage MyQuest 15
set switch to 2
elseif switch == 1
if player.GetInCell Chorrol == 0
set switch to 0

if getstage MyQuest == 15
 if killcount == 3
Setstage MyQuest 20



When combined with a simple script attached to the people you want to kill...

scn YourTargetNPCScriptz01

begin ondeath
set MyQuest.killcounter to MyQuest.killcounter + 1


Makes the quest progress when you have killed 3 people with that script. You could also make it work with specific NPCs if needed just by using "<refname>.getisdead" instead of the killcounter.



But really, this may just be a bit beyond your current ability, and you may be best off working on something a little easier. You should however pay attention to those errors in the CS when scripting, it often mentions what line the issue is on, or what is wrong with the script. A simple misplaced "endif" can be enough to break a whole script, or just prevent it from being saved.

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Haha Vagrant, you bring down a lot of peoples hopes you do. (Mine included) But alas, I'm making a big mod, for my "first"! But I can script somewhat, I learn as I do things so yeah!
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well thanks for the help and i guese ill keep the mod to myself until i get a better understanding of scripting.


And no my spirt is not down i might spend the whole day trying to script when you get outside of prison and when you kill the two bounty hunters to start a quest

thank for the scripting help anyways.


I'm planning to reales this mod as an alpha, or beta watever you want to call it from the point you exit the sewers to the point you kill all the bounty hunters in anvil because i didnt use a lot of armor mods that i can just use a diffrent set of armor until i made the chadenhall pplz so ya thax

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