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[New Meat] "Simple" Smoking Adjustment


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Just starting out, so I decided to try something simple - adjusting an existing smoking mod, so that the animation endpoint is just a bit lower and forward of where it is in-game.


So far, the only thing I can find which even suggests being able to reposition is the Transform function in CK, and I'm pretty sure that just repositions the object in loading and inventory screens. Nothing in the massive modding tutorial list seems to touch on this. I've got half-a-dozen videos queued up to watch anyways - better to learn now than later - but if anyone can point me to where I can shift the XYZ coords for an animation endpoint, I'd greatly appreciate it.


EDIT: [facepalms] ...I'm going to have to export, modify, and recompile the animation itself, aren't I?

Edited by Calbeck
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