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Unique Weapon Forging


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Does anyone know how to create a custom weapon recipe with unique items in it? I made a recipe that requires the player to have two quest items that i made, but when i try to forge the weapon the game doesnt recognize the player as having these items even though they are in the inventory, any help would be greatly appreciated
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When you say "quest items" you mean they're aliases in a quest and tagged as "quest item" right?


Those items can't be sold or dropped, so i'm guessing they can't be destroyed to make a weapon?


I'm not sure, but i think you have to remove the "quest item" tag on the recipe, or even clear the alias (since aliases need to be filled in order to make the quest run), or tag them as "optional".


If you don't want the player to possibly lose the items by dropping them somewhere, you can use this script http://www.creationkit.com/Complete_Example_Scripts#A_Quest_item_you_can_drop_and_pick_up_again_and_set_or_reset_objectives_and_Stages.


Everything written is my guess, since i never worked on it.

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