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Install Order Advice


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Sorry if this is posted in the wrong section.


The issue/issues I'm having are thus:

I am trying to get the following mods/replacers to work.


HEGC Body with BBB v1dot-12 OMOD (C or D cup upper, L bottom)

NoMaaM BBB Animation Replacer v3 OMOD

Robert Male Body Replacer v52 OMOD

Sensual Walks Animation Installer 8.0 OMOD

Sensual Walks for Female NPC 8.4.2 OMOD

Womans Move Animation Replacer OMOD

Vanilla Gear Redux

Oblivion Character Overhaul v2


OCO Robert's Male Patch

Lunas OCO Khajiit Fix

TNP - OCOv2 Khajiit Male Body



Everything seems to be alright overall til I get to the OCO portion.

I have installed these in the order I listed, since OCO wants any body replacers before it, then it's patched (which makes sense). The problem I have is the Khajiit/Argonians are either blurred or their skins are twisted to the side, Redguard males body are much darker, almost black, compared to their face, Orc males are -very- dark but are meant to be the same shade as the females, High Elf males heads are gold, their bodies a pale yellow, both male and female dark elves have extreme seams along the neck, feet and hands.


I have OBMM, Wrye Bash, OBSE (latest version), Blockhead, Boss, Pluggy and TES4Edit. I've tried various Hi-rez textures packs to solve seam issues and during one attempt I did get female khajiit right, as well as male orc, but when trying to fix the others they go back to being messed up as well.


OBMM installs the OMODS, Wrye Bash does the 3 Unofficial Patched. I build Bash Patches (though I'm not sure if this helps or harms some things sometimes), use OBMM to update the BSA through redirection and let Boss sort my load order.


I also can't find a set answer on if ArchiveInvalidationInvalidaded or using OBMM's Redirect is best.


I've reinstalled Oblivion probably 7-8 times in the last day or so. (Steam GoTY)


Any help/advice on patches to help these coexist or install orders, etc. would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance,



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