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Is it possible to make a script...


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I want a mod that doubles the amount of radiation received. Now doubling fradiationaccumulationrate to two from one does this but ingame the rad meter does not show the increased rad rate. In other words, if one is in a 10rad/sec field and fradiationaccumulation is set to 10, the rad meter will still show 10rads/sec when in actuality, the player will be receiving 100rads/sec. I suspect that is the result of that fact that the rad-meter is hardcoded to read the rad rate from the radiationmarker before the fradiationaccumulationrate multiplier has been applied. So the question is, is it possible to make a script that is applied on the each game start that finds every radiation marker and multiplies it radiation value by two. Another problem is that I do not know how to script, so could someone teach me how to make this script if it is possible or make it?




PS, If this script is possible, that means modifying Fswimradiationdamagemult and FWadeRadiationDamageMult is irrelevant, correct?

Edited by raccoon29
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