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Crashes when exiting to Skyrim


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Hey so I'm running a Tamriel Online server with a friend, we have all the same mods, and it works flawlessly, but when I go to exit to Skyrim from the starting prison cell (Alternate Start Mod) my game just closes, I tried troubleshooting it but I can't find a solution. There is an attachment of the latest log along with a snippet from BOSS, notice how there's a warning regarding a "PTAlchemyOverhaul_SkillRate_(0|1)_\d{1, 2}\.esp," something regarding Alchemy also appears all over the crash log. I would greatly appreciate if anyone could help me with the matter.

Edited by FourSwords
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  • 2 years later...

Topic : "PTAlchemyOverhaul_SkillRate_(0|1)_\d{1, 2}\.esp" Error .........Boss But not in Loot !

LOOT - Version : v0.9.2

Just a follow up , on this error . It came into my system , and i found what the problem was .

Ran a scan in regedit find any hint of the line ( PTAlchemyOverhaul_SkillRate ) .....nothing showed up at all .

Then i installed the PT Acmy Overhaul mod and uninstalled it .... No effect

2. Then i uninstalled all mods relating to Alchemy in general .....no effect

3.Then i unistalled all mods relating to skillsets , skillperks , Skillrates ....... no effect

4.Then i uninstalled all mods relating to Overhauls in general ..... no effect

5.Then i uninstalled all mods totally ...... no effect

6. That left me with ( The main Game structure )

So i went to Game properties in steam / Local files / Verified integrity of game files

Ran Boss .... PTAlchemyOverhaul_SkillRate_(0|1)_\d{1, 2}\.esp" Error is still there .

Ran Loot , It showed i had 3 dirty files , and no errors

The Dirty Files were:

.Update.esmesm ... Cleaned with TES5EditQuickAutoClean .... Ran ( Boss ) no effect , Error is still there .

.HearthFires.esmesm ... Cleaned with TES5EditQuickAutoClean .... Ran ( Boss ) no effect , Error is still there .

.Dragonborn.esmesm ... Cleaned with TES5EditQuickAutoClean .... Ran ( Boss ) no effect , Error is still there .

Thats when i thought back to all those years in the past .... and how The Dawnguard DLC was always dirty when you ran Boss .

So i Ran the TES5EditQuickAutoClean on the Dawnguard DLC anyway , even though it showed as clean in ( LOOT ) .

And guess what ......It ran , and ran , and ran cleaning and saving as it went .

Dawnguard was as dirty as possible , just as i remembered it .

LOOT was giving me a false positive on it .....

When it finished , i ran Boss , and "Voila ' The Error was Gone.

Result :The Dawnguard DLC is the culprit ...... clean it , and your problem is solved .

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