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Alchemy Ingredient Randomization


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Hey guys. I'm already in deep with current mods, but I just thought of this and wanted to share it.


You know how alchemy is boring after you discovered (or worse yet, just looked up) all of the alchemy ingredients' combinations in your first play-through as a thief? Well, I think this is boring, and it completely eliminates the usefulness of both of those perks related to discovering what ingredients do.


Well, my request/idea is for a mod that scrambles all of the known alchemical effects upon each new roll of a character, allowing the player to re-discover what each ingredient does in every play-through rather than rely on internet guides or rote memory.


It would make playing as an alchemist WAY more fun if you had to "learn" the craft anew for each character.


In any case, what do you guys think?

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