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The ENB Site Ain't Working! (Also Asking About SweetFX)


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So, I wanted to add an ENB to the game, but for some strange reason, the site is down!


I've heard there are things called "SweetFX" presets, though, and the mod I'm trying to download (thankfully) has one. I know what ENBs are, but what is SweetFX? Is it just like an ENB, or does it have limitations that only ENB can fix?


Oh yeah, in case you were doubting me, here's the link:



Click it, and you'll see what I mean.

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Looks like the domain expired and didn't get renewed in time. Give it a couple of days to a week.


SweetFX is an alternative "post processor". It's similar in function but to the best of my knowledge it is not interchangeable with ENB. At least within the Bethesda game community there are many more ENB presets than for SweetFX.



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