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Spell Creation... At least, that's what I wanted it to be...


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"Failed on soulgemconjure" just means that the compiling didn't work. That's not a specific error, it's the general "whoops" statement. The subsequent lines which tell you at the exact row and column where a failure happened, are what you need to pay attention to.


A script that does what you want it to do looks more like (I don't have time this morning to open up the CK and deal with its slowness, so there may be an error here):


Scriptname astralconjuresoulgem extends ActiveMagicEffect  

import game

SoulGem Property PettyConjureFilled  Auto  
Sound Property FailureSFX  Auto  
Sound Property SuccessSFX Auto

float property skillAdvancement = 5.0 auto

EVENT OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
objectReference caster = akCaster
if caster.getItemCount(PettyConjureFilled) < 1
	debug.notification("You may only have one Conjured Soul Gem at a time.")
	caster.addItem(PettyConjureFilled, 1, FALSE)
               debug.notification("Conjured an artificial Petty Soul Gem.")


Make certain to substitute in variables by rightclicking on the script's name in the Magic Effect window, and selecting 'Edit Properties' - that will allow you to replace these variable names with the item and sound effects you want to use.

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what kind of item are you trying to conjure exactly? if you want it to pop into the world where your spell hits (like the summon creatures do), theres a simpler solution than using a script.


Spells can have explosions, explosions can place objects...


Make yourself a custom explosion (can be invisible and doesn't have to have any force).

In the explosion edit window, there should be a drop down list of spawnable items. Pick your item from that list.

In the Magic Effect edit window, pick your explosion from the drop down list.

Fix any other settings on the magic effect (this would need to be Fire and Forget, on self or aimed).

Put your effect into a spell and you should be good to go.

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I tried the above script again, it still fails because "SoulgemConjure(...) variable of PettySoulGem is undefined"

Can someone tell me how to do it right then?


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I just test compiled the script I gave you with no errors. Are you setting the script properties in the magic effect, as I mentioned?


Make certain to substitute in variables by rightclicking on the script's name in the Magic Effect window, and selecting 'Edit Properties' - that will allow you to replace these variable names with the item and sound effects you want to use.
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