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Conditon for one handed equipped weapon.

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Needing help again. -_-


I want to add a condition to a summon spell so that the summoned creature will only arrive if I have a certain one handed melee weapon equipped.


I know I can use GetItemCount but that works even if the weapon is not equipped, and just in my inventory.


There is a list here, but not all have info added to them. https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Category:Condition_Functions


there is one for two handed melee but nothing clear for one handed. Its probably something that covers a more broader range. I hope someone here can let me know?



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First of all, is this about Fallout 4?


Regardless, the obvious choice would be GetEquipped but as you can read that won't check for the weapon in the left hand. What you should use is WornHasKeyword, add a custom keyword to your weapon and check for that, works for both hands, doesn't differentiate between them. If you want to is also possible combining them:


Weapon in left hand => GetEquipped: False; WornHasKeyword: True

Weapon in right hand => GetEquipped: True; WornHasKeyword: True

Weapon in either hand => WornHasKeyword: True


GetItemCount is indeed about having it in inventory, not what you are looking for. And HasTwoHandedWeaponEquipped that you seem to refer to is about whether you have any two handed weapon, not a specific one.

Edited by FrankFamily
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Thanks. GetEquipped should work as its a right handed melee weapon.


Yeah its Fallout 4, I wanted to change one Part of Horizon mod that allows you to summon a YaoGaui to fight for you for a period of time and the condition is it costs you a can of Dog Food, or.. you must have a can on you, idk..


I never would have guessed Wornhaskeyword method would work for weapons, sounds like an armor or clothing condition. Thanks!


I knew I could add Haskeyword and give the item or npc a custom keyword, But these methods you mention are exactly what I was looking for, Thank you.

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