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Obstacle with worldspace creation

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So I'm follow this excellent tutorial From Heightmap to Worldspace in Skyrim by the creator of the upcoming Hoddminir mod. It's great and very easy to follow but I'm stuck on one point, the tutorial uses photoshop for a vital step which I'll quote here:

Save as RAW, with the settings : Header 0, IBM PC
Saving in this format then allows your heightmap to be read by the CK and other programs related to worldspace creation.


My problem is that I don't have Photoshop (too pricey for my blood) and can't find a way to save as a raw from GIMP2. I've also tried a bunch of free photo editing packages but they either don't work or they save a raw but it doesn't retain the original picture.


Extra info:

I'm trying to get this into skyrim:



This is my heightmap in Geocontrol:





This is my heightmap after exporting as a TIFF 16 bit greyscale out of Geocontrol:





But like I said, the next part of the tut requires me to

Save as RAW, with the settings : Header 0, IBM PC
and I don't have Photoshop, any suggestions?
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What about trying out a trial if you plan on using it for just a bit?


Thanks Cynster, I don't suppose you'd know if trial work has a watermark would you? I saw the trial kit on the website but I kinda put it out of mind as I assumed everything would be watermarked, resulting in "Photoshop tm" being written across my island :biggrin: But it's probably worth a try, thanks.

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