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My own personal mods


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Hey all,


Just got into this 3D modeling stuff. I followed a long with Ghosu's tutorial on YouTube (excellent tutorial by the way) and just had to play around with it to get my own shapes.

It's a sword from Final Fantasy XI, a relic weapon called the Excalibur. Ignore the horrible low resolution textures. I will re-make them within time but I'm really happy I got my first 3D model to work and function in game. Model needs to be tweaked.










I also have the Ultima Weapon from FF7. Took me awhile to figure out how to get the blade translucent and make it glow like it does in the original game. But I got it and I'm perfectly happy with it. :)








As you can see, I like the weapons from Final Fantasy :tongue:

Some of my future projects will include:

Lionheart from FF8

Caladbolg from FFX

and some other misc swords. Gonna stick to simple stuff for now.


Let me know what you think! Hopefully I'll be able to make some small mods for you guys to enjoy.

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