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ABhorsen stile gameplay and items :P


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The other day, i found myself, reading again the abhorsen trilogy by garth nix, and i thought, what better game to be the abhorsen than skyrim, always alone (not always, but there are gamers out there that prefer a solo experience, im one :P) also, i remeber the dog from hermaeus quest, and looked suspicios to me :P


So my request is a good armor set, though not important, the heavy/difficult stuff would be bells animation and using the 1 to 7 numbers to pick them, nice bandolier, maybe nehina or binder :P, i also foud interesting the Puppeteer Master mod by JohnB, cause, each bell have a different effect, one of them forcing the people to do de wielders will, i think its Saraneth... always get little confused with the names, though i read the books 2 or 3 times now :P


Anyway, i started this topic to see ideas, and if anyone is willing to start a project like this, i would love him :P


PD: i would do it, but, im no modder xD and also, sorry for my bad english, it's not my native language.


PD2: found some images to use as base :P








Would be cool to see the abhorsen's house too, there are plenty of good waterfalls out there :P


PD3: lol, too late i cant edit post tittle to correct it :S

Edited by Akaruz64
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