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Owned horses


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I, amongst countless others, wish to express a sincere gratitude and thanks to ALL you modders! There does appear to me a situation with the horses in the Skyrim game and I put my trust that you, being modders, can appreciate. So here is what I ask for in a modification;

1) If we can have talking dog(s) then why not any owned horse(s)

2) If we can have essential followers then why not all owned horses

3) If we can tell a follower that it’s time to part ways, they will go to their assigned (by me, preferably by fast travel) home, I wish to tell my horse the same thing – in which it will go to the assigned (by me, preferably by fast travel) stable.

4) If I can have different followers then I how am I able to purchase a horse for each and every follower. When I tell that follower it’s time to part ways, the follower and the horse that’s active with that follower return to (by me, preferably by fast travel) home and stable.


I'm sure that this would be a major undertaking for modification and so perhaps it's best to offer this suggestion to be more of a challenge to all modders.


My heart-felt thanks and appreciation for you wanting to share your work with the community,



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Do a little more browsing.... I have run across mods related to three of your requests and even have the essential horses on my game.


As far as the talking horses... I get enough lip from Lydia when i give her cool armor... I really don't want to have to hear it from my horse lol

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Do a little more browsing.... I have run across mods related to three of your requests and even have the essential horses on my game.


As far as the talking horses... I get enough lip from Lydia when i give her cool armor... I really don't want to have to hear it from my horse lol



I'm going through very many modification attributes and thank you for suggesting to do more.

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