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issue with textures when importing to blender


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ok, so i'm using modo 501 and i can't seem to export my model to blender with the textures. i've tried every file format and nothing worked. from what little i could find on the internet, the issue seems to be that i can only import a single uv map. i would just squeeze it all on to one map, but not a single texture shows up on blender when i import it. there was once when i imported a .lwo file that one set of textures showed, but i haven't been able to repeat that.


just hoping for some suggestions that might be the answer to fixing this, i'm guessing it's a real easy solution and i just can't figure it out (same issue with getting the skyrim nifs to blender). It seems to have been less of a headache to mod for oblivion than skyrim, but i've been out of the game for quite a while. if i come across the answer, i'll post it up here...hate giving up on pain in the ass things like this. probably should learn to model in blender to save myself the headache

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