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DayZ Zombie survival mod


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Indeed. ArmA2 is a military sim, so DayZ is pretty hardcore. It's not overly hard to learn, though. While I usually don't play military sims, the mod wouldn't have worked if it was built on something casual such as BF3 or CoD.


The gritty, harsh, unforgiving realism is what makes the mod so excellent.

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Well Halororor you'll probably be pleased to hear that despite my venomous hatred of steam i will be getting a copy of ARMA 2 and the dlc especially after killing myself with laughter listening to a group of a dozen americans screaming like girls when confronted by "sprinters" as they called them , i was totally sold on the whole 28 days later / stalker concontion the realistic lack off ammo and the "primary needs " like function the chars are a little lame but the immersion is there which is a key factor for me . Then on top of that other players taking on the role of what i see to be fo3 like raiders who just murder people for sport if nothing else .I can see me getting stuck right in to that .


So thanks for bringing that to my attention i was getting bored with my current games and i think this may keep me busy for a long time .

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I administrate the ZA1 server. You're welcome to play on it, as the server is still relatively free of most of the issues plaguing most american and european servers, like people having CoD mentalities and shooting everyone and everything on site.


The only thing that might be a hindrance is that we've got a 225 latency limit on the server. A lot of internationals still manage to pass under it, but it servers to keep the server relatively open so that the locals have slots to play.

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Bought Arma 2 because a buddy of mine recommended the DayZ mod. I installed it according to the tutorial on their website, but whenever I get at the "retrieving mission data" point in the server connection part, it resets me back to the MP server list. Any idea on what can cause it?
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