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Factions Question (modifying NPC faction)

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Not exactly a CK question, since I'll be doing this with console commands but anyways...


I'm using the new CAMP (place a workshop anywhere) mod to add turrets to various mod-added outposts. The resident NPCs are members of various factions. I want the turrets to ensure that the turrets come to their aid, but I also want them to come to my aid if I'm there, so I figure the easiest way is to make the NPCs part of the player faction using the "refid.addtofaction 1c21c 1" command (1c21c being the player faction id). So my enemy is their enemy is the enemy of the turrets (which I believe are in something like the workshop npc faction - not sure if that's the correct name). Or I could make the turrets into members of the NPC's factions or even make the NPC's factions allies with the turret's faction (or the player faction I guess).


The first option (just adding the NPCs to the player faction) would seem easiest since I wouldn't have to hunt down all the various faction ids in the CK or FO4Edit. Are there any advantages/disadvantages to the various ways of doing this?


I have a similar question about making the NPCs themselves come to my aid, but I think it'll have the same answer as the turret question. (I know that'll only work if the NPCs have the correct help friend/ally AI setting as well.)

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