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COME AT ME with some realism mods


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Adventuring throughout Skyrim is usually a pulse-racing experience. It features an open world, so it's always hard to say what you're going to find behind the next corner. Giants, bandits, nothingness (there was plenty of this in FNV)... even some clipping NPC naively trying to walk its way off a rock. As I said, exciting. But exactly, how exciting? Do you think these random encounters sum up all what the game can offer?


If you belong to the more crude, raw adventuring sort of player, your answer is probably 'no'. Certain elements of Skyrim were designed to appeal to the more casual player, we all know this. As such, some of them are likely to be spoiling. Then, some others just seem to be shouting the thing at you. For instance, take the compass. have you seen that? That has to be Aladdin's magical compass, make sure not to rub yourself against it while jumping for it may end up telling you the mobs blood type. And the poor guy who's supposed to represent you? When was the last time you had him eating something? Exactly. Well all these features, let me tell you, are limiting the chances of turning your casual A-to-B into this epic tale you can't wait to spit in some forum. EVEN if you don't know it. But do not despair fellas, the modding community is here to rescue you... you and the anime otaku, armor craving, 3D perv monster that seems to lurk everyone's account while we sleep.


In these past months, a number of modders have put their talents with the Creation Kit at the service of improving immersion and realism in Skyrim. Luckily for us, many of them have shared their creations with the community. Their point? to turn player's life inside Skyrim's open world into more of a DayZ-completely-unrelated-extrapolation adventure.






Equipable Map by Kellpossible




As the title says, this mod allows the player to go around map in hand. It doesn't remove the actual map from the game, and thus it's use is limited to those with a good amount of self-control. A stand-alone location system would be optimal, removing the GPS from the map, forcing the utilization of compass and/or other instruments to find your way. Allowing the player to write on the actual map would also be a highly immersive, valuable feature.


Filling food and Restful Sleep by Punxdog




I haven't tried this one personally, so it's here just as a representation of all those mods aiming to implement a realistic sense of survival in Skyrim. Feel free to contribute your own ;).


Hardcore Compass Mod by Mofomojo




Although I'm more of an actual compass fan, the HUD compass may prove valuable to avoid the 'unequip compass > equip weapon' kind of situation. This one removes the spoilers from the HUD one, allowing for unexpected encounters and just plain paranoying about where enemies may be.


Travelling in Skyrim


No Fast Travel by Nullcascade




This one prevents you from fast-travelling, so you can have some old school trips. The pic wasn't taken from the No Fast Travel mod, but from another carriage revamp one, called Scenic Carriage, by Sollar. Found here.


Better Fast Travel - Carriages and Ships by Alex




This mod adds some realism to the travelling. It allows you to travel anywhere by carriage, and also to use ships! Just for those not willing to wait Bethesda to realise ships have some use beyond decorating docks.




The idea for this thread is putting together as many realism mods as possible, allowing for an eventual merge of all of them (as long as their respective authors give consent) under the flag of the Skyrim Nexus modding community.


Also, mistaking Aladdin's lamp for a compass was intentional.

Edited by Odrackyir
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