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Custom Mesh warping in any and all directions.


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Been making a few custom armor/clothes but this one has me baffled. I've used the same procedure as anything else I've done but it keeps showing in game all warped, distorted, stretched and just all messed up.


It will show up perfectly in Max, nifskope and outfit studio, but not in game.


Anyone with advice is greatly appreciated.


That black blob that shoots up to the ceiling, that's my problem.





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It looks like un-weighted vertices. Hypothetically, something like that could happen if the armor were weighted to a skeleton that was different than what you had installed in your game. The vertices flying off to infinity would be weighted to a bone that did not exist in the in-game skeleton. I've also seen that happen with nifs that were improperly exported with 2 skeletons.


However I am just guessing, and I'm not familiar with 3ds Max so I can't help you with that.

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Thanks for the reply and it gave me some clue, tho I don't understand it yet.


The mesh if for a custom follower which is somehow my problem as it uses the same skeleton as everyone else but does have its own bodyslide.


I put the piece on another character and it's working on that one, so I must have something borked in the custom follower. Don't know what, never had any issue with anything else on her, just this.

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