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Some problems understanding the CK


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Hi guys,


After reading /watching some tut's...I thought I'd quite like to get into modding for Skyrim.


I've made my own NPC...room etc...but I'm having problems understanding something hopefully someone could enlighten me.


I really like the proudspire manor refurbished mod ....but accumulating armour weapons i'd like the trophy room longer and more mannequins.


I did try loading the guys mod into CK to make the room longer myself and add more mannequins but it's 3 floors and i cant do it.


Any advice would be great....for instance can i just load this mod and make those changes without upsetting game physics etc.


Obviously I wouldn't upload it..as it's only for my personal taste

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When you choose the Data files, I would recommend setting none as the active file. This will put all changes you make into a seperate .esp file and not affect the original mod.


I would make the changes you're after by simply duplicating (Ctrl+D) the existing pieces, and moving them so they snap to the grid. This way it's easy to extend rooms; you just push back the walls and duplicate the floor and ceiling to fill the gap.


If the other 2 floors are getting in your way, or if you're worrie about moving them accidentally, select them and press 1 twice to hide them. When you want them back, press Alt+1.

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If you load it in the CK it will be the modded Proudspire when you open the Proudspire cell. You just wont be changing that mod but making a mod that works with it and needs to be loaded after it.


Only problem is you will have 2 esp mods changing vanilla items and increase the chances of a CTD. so you will need to make your mod use the Proudspire one as a master, or easier just go ahead and change the original mod to fit your needs and not be able to upload it.

Edited by jet4571
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If you load it in the CK it will be the modded Proudspire when you open the Proudspire cell. You just wont be changing that mod but making a mod that works with it and needs to be loaded after it.


Only problem is you will have 2 esp mods changing vanilla items and increase the chances of a CTD. so you will need to make your mod use the Proudspire one as a master, or easier just go ahead and change the original mod to fit your needs and not be able to upload it.


Thank you.


So I do set the mod as active file and make changes to the original mod already loaded via the cell view.Will this right over the existing original or be an addition mod,like two proudspires being loaded.


Or is their a way to load the Mod directly and save the new improved .esp seperately

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I would set the mod active and mod it directly myself, 1 less mod taking a load slot and less chance that you get a CTD.


If you just load the mod with none active when you save it will create a new mod that you would load after the other one. you could then check the 2 mods to see if a ref was modified in both, you would want to avoid that as that is what causes the CTD's.

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