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Using AWKCR to the Fullest: Modding mods to use this mod


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ok, so the latest update to AWKCR came out so I immediately updated it and looked at all the cool new workbenches that were added. Of note, the electronic workbench caught my eye. Alas, none of the mods I use to take advantage of this or hardly any of the workbenches provided by AWKCR (except the main one). And so many more just use the damn chem station. And I got to thinking... What if I could fix this oversight myself?

So here is the goal:
1.) Create PATCHES that will move the recipes to the correct workbench
2.) Patches should be ESL This won't be possible.

3.) One patch per mod (like R.U.E.) so that users can pick and choose what they want. EDIT: Might have to make some merged patches or it will be out of control like R.U.E.

This will be my first mod and, well, I am not sure where to begin. Well, I mean I know where I am going to start (X-92 Armor) but I guess more along the lines of where to look. Should I use the CK or FOEDIT? Any suggestions before I start?

EDIT: So I found this, but it does not seem to be working (or I am screwing up). https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/28898
Will work on it more tomorrow.

Edited by TheAlmightyOS
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My patch generators aren't updated to AWKCR 5.0 yet, so probably they won't work correctly.


Also, you can't have ESL patches, unless the mod you are making the patch for is an ESL itself, or an ESM. ESLs are loaded before ESPs, and making an ESL require an ESP can seriously mess up your load order.

See this for more info: https://afkmods.iguanadons.net/index.php?/topic/5079-plugin-files-and-you-esmeslesp/


And, one of the reason I started making these patch generators was so that I can put all overrides into the same ESP, instead of having a lot of those.


You can still try doing this project, but it won't work the way you described it. I wish there was a CLI tool to either apply xEdit scripts or to merge ESPs during installation, that would solve some problems.



Also, I don't know how soon I can even update the AWKCRifier. I don't think I can use my own save to test this as usually, since Horizon's compatibility patch probably won't get an update anytime soon. But I'll try anyway.

Edited by pra
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I have edited my requirements. I still think it's a project worth pursuing, though I am going to have to put more thought into how I want to group these patches if I don't want a load-killing number of esp's like Radrose Usability Enhancements

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I really hope zEdit will get a useful release* in the near future. Generating patches there is much more user friendly than in xEdit.

But then again, that means I should finally get my s#*! together and actually start porting my scripts for it...



* right now, it can't load any strings for fallout4.esm. The author gave me a DLL which fixes this, but didn't actually release the fix yet.

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I'm not a modder, so your mileage may vary with regards to my advice, but I suggest not worrying about limiting the number of ESPs for patches. I think that most people who use lots of mods already are familiar with merging their patches and loading them last in the load order. You can always include links to various merging mods and give a brief explanation of how to use them if you're worried that they won't know where to start.

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I'm not a modder, so your mileage may vary with regards to my advice, but I suggest not worrying about limiting the number of ESPs for patches. I think that most people who use lots of mods already are familiar with merging their patches and loading them last in the load order. You can always include links to various merging mods and give a brief explanation of how to use them if you're worried that they won't know where to start.

I am worried about limiting ESP's for the exact misconception that you have listed there. I have seen a fair number of people who have politely asked on this forum for help learning how to merge plugins only to get snide remarks. I don't have time to teach them all, so I want to do my best to make a mod that most can use without too much hassle.

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Thank you! That was fast!

I learn best by doing and failing. That is how I got good at Powershell Scripts. BTW, if you ever need something automated in windows....

I think I am gonna start by looking at your scripts and learning what they DO. AKA, what is it that makes AWKCR tick and work with mods. I think I know already, but I want to get a little more in-depth understanding. Also trying to understand how xedit works. If I can figure that out, maybe I can write a ps1 script that can run at install that can merge or create a plugin that could work as a multipatch. But I might be getting ahead of myself. First thing first, dive in and see what is going on.

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for a script to work, you must select either whole plugins or some records, then rightclick->apply script. The script's execute function will then be called to all records you selected.


My AWKCRifier looks at COBJ records (constructible objects, recipes), and creates overrides for them. In these overrides, it changes the keywords which define where the recipe appears.


That part is simple, actually. The difficult part is figuring out where to put a certain recipe.

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ok, I am getting it.

Your script works very well :thumbsup: Does all of the heavy lifting for me then I can go in and do some cleanup and tweaks. WIPAG is gonna need a lot of tweaks (paints) but almost everything else I tried works. I might need to find another tutorial on foedit to see if I can't bulk change values.

Now that my proof of concept works, I think I am going to get started proper. Thank you for your help, pra!



EDIT: A question about permissions: if I am just making a patch for a mod like what I described here, do I need to get permission from all mod authors involved? Or is it ok because I am not using their assets? Asking because I don't want to annoy a ton of mod creators with requests unless I have to

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