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First mod : Feral Ghouls skeleton problem


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Hello everyone,


This is my first attempt at making a custom mod for Fallout 4. Basically, the idea is to turn all feral ghouls into failed Institute Test subjects ; horrible machines who went mad, trying to fix themselves with scrap (like in the movie AI) and to "steal" flesh from people in order to look normal.


The idea is that it would make the Institute way creepier and its threat would be more tangible. Coupled with Pilgrim and some sound effects inspired by SOMA, I hope to basically turn the feral ghoul encounters into a technological horror moment, that would make sense in the story.


Another point : they would be the only source of high grade electronics. So, if you need that component, you need to confront these poor machines. Gives a moral aspect to the looting mechanic, since they'd beg you to leave them alone as you'd encounter them.


Here's for the idea.



Now, what I tried to do :


-I did a test with Crimsonrider's augmentation ; set it to unplayable so that it couldn't be looted. I made sure it replaced all body parts I needed to hide. Then, I edited the feral ghoul template so that these guys would have the augmentations equipped at all times.


Problem : their skeleton doesn't seem to like the idea of having an armor made for humans, even if the said armor covers all their body parts. So, I set their race to human, and it actually works... kind of. My institute test subjects have replaced all feral ghouls and have the right appareance... But now they use human animations, which is not what I intended.


If anyone has an idea on how I could make these guys have this appearance while keeping their feral ghoul animations, I would gladly take any idea.



This is my first post, for my very first WIP mod, so please excuse me if I forgot anything. If you need any additional info, just say the word.



Happy modding to y'all !

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