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Conquering bases. Would be possible?


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So, would it be possible to mod so when you clear out a dungeon or camp etc you would have the ability to live there so followers/housecarls would also hang out in there if you send them "home"? I dont know much about modding, but it would consists of removing the regeneration of the place's "native" inhabitants and simply flag it as your property.


Any released on WiP mods around?

Edited by Skrdrm
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It's not quite that simple. Followers and NPCs don't have a "home" value that you can simply set. Their homes, as the player perceives them in the game, are linked to their AI packages. To get the mechanic that you're looking for, you'd need more flexible AI packages than the vanilla game provides.


[shameless plug]My upcoming companion mod, Atvir Dres: The Last Prince of Tear, will enable the player to designate any location as Atvir's home, as well as three other locations as places to visit throughout the day.[/shameless plug] This sounds suited to your tastes. It is certainly possible to extend a similar mechanic to each vanilla follower individually (or perhaps even all of them simultaneously, using a more complicated script and a new or existing faction). I may take a stab at something like that in the future, but don't expect anything anytime soon.

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