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A question about time scale


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@ Th3uNKn0wN: As far as I'm aware, a timescale of "2" in Skyrim won't break a game. Only the timescale of "1" is suspect. A timescale of "0" WILL break the game, so don't even think about going that route. I've logged probably over a thousand hours of time into Skyrim, spread over fourteen playthroughs, and most of the time I'm running with a timescale set to "2". There are only a few time-sensitive quests in this game and using anything but the default timescale might cause problems in some of those (it will definitely do so in the case of the very first quest right out of Helgen if you depart too much from it). My only issues with "2" have involved temporarily stalled AI processing, but this is rare and is nothing I haven't been able to solve by using "moveto player" to reposition a stalled NPC to a location a short distance away from the stall point.
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