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My New Armor Mod Wont show up properly in game


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For your last statement what exactly do you mean. In nifskope? My positioning of the meshes was done in blender I did not rotate/transform them in nifskope, also if I try to transform the BSDismemberSkinInstance... it does not give me that option. Do you mean I would need to go through all the NiNodes and perform that action? Thank you for your help! Is it possible to use another armor's 1st person nifs until I make my own?
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just upload the nif to mediafire, filetolink or ifile.it or any host u want ^^


Okay, I'll do that and post the link however I figured out my initial problem. I was using the GND mesh for the Creation kit AA file or add-on file. I was supposed to use my _0 nif for it haha. So now the body mod under the suit shows up but the suit is invisible when equipped :( Also when I move the body weight in the race menu the mesh gets really weird and messed up in between the heaviest and lightest weights. I'm not sure what I did wrong with the weights. I'll upload the file and I'd appreciate the help! I feel like I'm getting close at least!




Also anyone that can get this working or tell me how I can....I'd be greatly appreciative, thanks! :D

Edited by hornplayer832
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Gonna test the nif soon, maybe tomorrow rl is taking my free time xD


lol no worries, i actually got a working nif! only one problem..... everything between the _0 and _1 mesh (in game) is messed up.... -.-

any ideas on how to fix that? I could upload the working ones?

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Gonna test the nif soon, maybe tomorrow rl is taking my free time xD


lol no worries, i actually got a working nif! only one problem..... everything between the _0 and _1 mesh (in game) is messed up.... -.-

any ideas on how to fix that? I could upload the working ones?



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