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Drugs lots of drugs


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Is anyone interested in helping on a mod that would revolve around a new narcotic in Skyrim by the name of red snake? Basically the idea is first to make dozens of back alley dealers spread across the cities who distribute the new illegal drug, maybe with a few simple scenes were local gaurds fight back against the tide, eventually the player would be able to activate the quest by talking to a smuggler on a supply train, the player would than learn about an island were the red plants (might need a rename) are grown, eventually the player would travel there under some pretense and meet the gang that lords over both the farm workers and the island and continue the quest, eventually helping the farmers rise up against the gang. Ive started this mod but an hour into it i realized how much work it will be, :) so if anyone is interested and would like to team up and has experience in anything at all that they think is relavent please let me know. Furthermore if anyone who doesnt want to help but has an idea im more than open provided enough people offer to help so that i actually do this mod Edited by dfac364
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why not just expand on the skooma trade? its been around for over 700 years and there still isnt a a drug cartel controlling the supply and price of it! just a few weirdo's standing in the middle of nowhere, who are basically addicts.....<br><br>id love to see a mod where skooma becomes a huge problem in skyrim, with entire settlements becoming addicted, and the cartels moving in and starting turf wars.<br><br>basically make the tv series "The Wire" into a mod and replace the crack with skooma <img src="http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif"><br><br>EDIT: actually, a really horrible, dirty version of skooma would be better, made by non khajiits to try and replicate the high of skooma, but with really f****d up side effects. <div><br></div><div>this way you could still make the new drug and the ingredients needed to make it (i.e your red snake and red plant) and it fits well into the world of Tamriel. 


</div><div><br></div><div>Im pretty sure you could come up with a better name for both the drug and the plant though, red snake sounds like an 80's aftershave <img src="http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/biggrin.gif" alt=":D" class="bbc_emoticon"></div>

Edited by born2bkilled
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Your quest idea seems a little grim, but i would like to see more crime in Skyrim by introducing Skooma and drug use everyone seems too happy -its not realistic! :biggrin:
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ah but thats the best part, your character saves everyone by cleaning up skyrim (or takes over the racket but keeps it low key to still reap the vast monetary benefits of running a drug ring, whilst cleaning up the streets so addicts can only live in a controlled area of each hold).
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