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I Skyrim beta 1.6 and FNIS: Author needs help


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Skyrim beta 1.6 is out, and I got reports that it conflicts with Fore's New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS. Which is no surprise, since all that behavior structure is not meant to be modded.


As the author of FNIS I'm having a dilemma. I want to provide a fix for 1.6, but I'm in the midst of making a new release, so I don't want my installation to be patched right now. And I'm not sure what Steam does besides adding a new bsa.


So for me being able to make a 1.6 fix, I need the following files please:

- character\behavior\0_master.hkx

- character\characters\defaultmale.hkx

- character\characters female\defaultfemale.hkx


It's probably illegal to post a direct link, So if someone could extract them and email I would really appreciate the help. My email is in the Top of the FNIS readme. Or I'll send you if you send me a PM


Thanks for the help. And I swear that I'm no pirate. :)

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I have just uploaded "FNIS Behavior V2_0 Patch for Skyrim 1_6", which I hope will fix incompatibility between FNIS 2.0 and Skyrim 1.6 Beta.


It's an ALPHA, so please be careful to use it, since I currently cannot test that myself (no I'm no pirate, just cautious not to destroy my currently delicate development environment with a beta update)

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