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Modern Clothing/armor


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So, someone can make some modern armor/clothing for Skyrim???

Me and my friends were talking about this today, we never seen any modern clothing : /

Pleeeaaase, make some these for us Ç.Ç









Edited by akiratsugaru
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It looks pretty and all but I don't know how well those kind of clothes will fit into Skyrim's theme..


I would imagine they would fit Skyrim's 'theme' better than Warhammer space marine armour or X-men suits, Mass Effect armour ... the list is endless. The beauty of Skyrim, the fact it is a single player game so doesn't affect anyone but one person and it's moddable is that its theme is whatever you want it to be. :biggrin:


Personally, I like the vanilla Norse theme, so I tend to download mods that kind of stick to that theme, but each to his own. At the end of the day it's whatever makes the person playing enjoy it more that counts.

Edited by uk33
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It looks pretty and all but I don't know how well those kind of clothes will fit into Skyrim's theme..

having made a request for modern stuff, I think that 'caring' about the theme is not an issue. =^_^= Hell.. I searched high and low for a modern rifle mod and found one on a japanese site. I like the story line and all, but some times it's just fun to BLOW s#*! UP and moe things down!


Some times even to pretend to be ZAPPED into the past like Bruce Campbell's Army of Darkness.

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