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Fo4Edit edit multiple entities simultaneously


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I need help with FO4Edit. I am trying to figure out a way to automate a process I am doing for my mod.


Basically I am making it so every entity of a certain race has a set health. But there are hundreds of entities of this race.


Basically I need a script that checks for race, then if it is the right race, sets its health to X. I need this to be able to scan through every actor.


I have thought about going into creation kit and sorting by race, but I cannot edit entities in Mass with creation kit.


ALTERNATIVELY, a script that would just mod the health AV. And manual selection of the actors.


I also thought about potentially using keywords too, as you can add keywords to multiple entities at a time. But I do not know how to make a script modAV for certain keywords.


Any help getting in the right direction would be appreciated

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