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Why do my blade ve to disappear when i use my bow?!?


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I would like to know if there is a way to make my 1h blade stay at my belt when i use my bow? The real thing is that it s pretty frustrating to see that bethesda didn t understand that a real inventory (like diablo's one maybe) would be pretty usefull, and it s even worse when you see that you can use a 1h blade in your right hand and a spell in the left one but not carry your bow (without shooting an arrow) and use a spell as well. We can t block with some dual swords as well... just why??? It just make some char really boring to play like if you try to create a archer / mage (a type of char i love to play in pathfinder), equip your bow, pause, equit a spell to improve your armor rate, pause, equip your blade, pause, equip your spell to heal yourself... And yeah i could play a big barbarian with a BFB (i did) but i feel like i don t use the full potential of the game and it becomes boring pretty quick. Any idea how to solve that?

Edited by Branoir
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