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[LE] Goat Mount!


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I've always wanted a goat mount in skyrim


. Essentially my idea would be just an enlarged vanilla goat with huge horns and a saddle with lots of bags and purses attached.


And if it bleated considerably deeper than vanilla goats thats cool.


Idle animations a must.


Maybe even an option for armour.


The goat could have the ability to headbutt with a hotkey.


I really want a mod like this!


Oh pretty please, more able minded humans than me. Make me a goat!


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For a lot of what you're suggesting you would need custom animations. However to make the goat mount itself, it's actually relatively easy.


You'd need to extract the nif meshes for the goat, horse, and saddle you want. Also extract the textures you want to use or make your own.


Open both the goat and horse meshes in 2 windows of nifskope. Copy the branch of the saddlebobe on the horse, paste that into the goat and attach it to the goats spine. For the saddle you do pretty much the same thing, and then reconnect the saddle's children to the corresponding points if the goat, if you open it up you'll see what I mean how it connects to the horse.


If you created new textures or retextures add them now to the areas in trishape where they correspond. Save the file and you're done with the mesh.


Open CK, duplicate a horse, change the formID name to what you want, adjust the stats of the horse you made to how you want it to be. Now go-to the Armor Add-on list find the horses, make a duplicate, change the model to your custom mesh. Duplicate an Armor now for horse skin, point the section about AA to point to your Armor Add-on. Then go back to your Actor Horse that will be a goat (albeit with the horse race, this is to make sure it behaves in the game like a mount) and change the skin to your new armor.


Hit preview, and the horse should now look like your goat with a saddle. Also under the area that contains sounds, make sure to change it's voice and sounds to that if a goat instead if a horse.


Save. Then find a place to place it in game and conditions for the player to obtain it. Save again.


Load Skyrim and try out your Goat mount.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here, decided to save you the trouble and made a goat mount: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1AK4MEGyNi7CjX-lxZijq4lDuWGT1fZCm. Not gonna put it up as an official mod, since I can't be arsed right now. My computer's borked, so I can't actually play Skyrim right now, but I'm like 99% sure it works. It's for Oldrim (obviously), he's essential, levels up with you, has a bit more health and stamina than a regular goat, 2 times bigger, and he's a follower because why the f*** not. Not gonna do the headbutt or the other animation stuff. It's not my forte at all. He's on the bridge east of Whiterun. If you use "coc whiterun" it's the other bridge over there. Here's a pic I took of him in nifskope:




Also, a shoutout to Tasheni for the saddle and bridle (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/92433). Makes my work a hell of a lot easier.


EDIT: Feel I should mention for people viewing this in the future that that method ^^^ SeraphimKensai mentioned only works up until a point. It's probably not a good idea to make a copy of a horse actor and go about it that way. Goats (and other non-horse creatures) have different skeletons, so it'd animate weird or not show up or ctd or something (I forget at the moment, blame the heat). What you want to do is make a copy of the race you want to make a mount for and in the body tab, direct it to your new skeleton (you have to edit the goat skeleton to have the saddle bone; google it and there's tutorials for that). Also make sure to edit your amor and armor addon so that it also applies to your new race and give the race the actortypehorse keyword on the left. After that, make a new goat actor (just copy one of the others) and make sure it uses your new armor and race. Place him somewhere in the world and it should work (hopefully).

Edited by WalkingMassofComplexes
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