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Can I make weapon inspect animations play more often?


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You can push it up the priority list by renaming the animation with a higher letter, with "A" being the most frequent after the main idle, but I don't recommend using A for elaborate inspections because it has the ability to trigger after _any_ animation and may soon become an annoyance.

The actual chances for any idle from A to D to trigger are (according to GunBehavior.hkx):

A: 1.0

B: 0.2

C: 0.2

D: 0

If you're feeling bold, you can probably recompile a new behavior with new values for the chances, and reference it in an custom subgraph. I haven't tried recompiling first person behavior graphs, but recompiled third person ones seem to work. If you do, make sure it's a unique name so it doesn't overwrite vanilla.

The last thing I can think of is to shorten the main idle, since this will force the dice roll to happen more frequently.

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Thanks, it would only be temporary so as long as I keep a copy of the vanilla behavior hkx I think I'd be fine, right? I'll give it a try soon.


EDIT: I tried recompiling the first person GunBehavior.hkx and temporarily overwriting vanilla with the edited values of A: 0.2 and B: 1.0 and It didn't seem to improve things; I figured overwriting would be the quick and dirty way to get what I wanted, but no dice. I tried higher values as well, of course, but the animations all played about as often as vanilla.


I'm using the hkxpack_UI from the F4 animation kit to recompile, in case that isn't clear.

Edited by Austindudeman
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