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Display player helmet toggle


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I have been looking for a mod that would hide only the players helmet (and maybe would be toggleable). I'm not sure if this has been brought up before but as I haven't been able to find one or hardly even discussions about this I decided to post about this.


There is a mod that hides "specific" helmet types for all characters but strangely there doesn't seem to be an mod for player helmet only.


As I have some or more experience in programming or something and recently started doing the creation kit tutorials I would even try to make one myself but I would require directions of where to start etc. as I haven't done any mods before for skyrim (or for anything). And if there are some ppl who could even give advice on whether this is even possible without some major modifications to the game would be helpful. Or better yet if there would actually already be a mod for this.


PS: sorry if this topic is already been discussed as I have only recently started playing skyrim and interested about mods.

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