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Rorikstead's History


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Dear All:


This is Shezza. Greetings from Canada!


A Steam gaming buddy and I were talking about Rorikstead and how a lot of people don't know all that much about it. My friend suggested that the people may be of the Daedric persuasion. Three questions come to mind about this place:


1) Has Rorik been alive for thousands of years?


2) How can crops grow on what seems to be totally useless soil?


3) How does Jouane figure in all this?


My mod request is simply this: I'd like to see a mod that fills in the holes, gaps or whatever in Rorikstead's history beyond what we already know. Think of it as Skyrim meets the X-Files.



The truth is out there. All we have to do is find out what it is.


Thank you kindly for your time. I remain,




Sincerely yours always,




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